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Norman Jansen De stilte van het water
Een jonge vrouw met twee kinderen verliest bij de grote aardbeving op Haïti haar man en valt in handen van mensensmokkelaars.
Fictie | Sociale roman
Nederlands | 176 pagina's | Futuro Uitgevers, Amsterdam | 2018
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Norman Jansen Calm waters
This novel contains the true and partly autobiographical story of the life of a young woman in search of a safer and better life for herself and her family. She inadvertently ends up in the ruthless world of human smuggling. Fear and exploitation become an everyday part of her life. Then, in a split second, she has to make an impossible choice. A choice with disastrous consequences for herself and her family. Will her dream of a normal life without danger, fear and poverty ever come true? The novel...
Nederlands | 166 pagina's (ePub2, 1,8 MB) | Futuro Uitgevers, Amsterdam | 2020